

Download the magnetic field of a coil.

These examples were generated from the following script.

loadbool, default: True

Load the dataset after downloading it when True. Set this to False and only the filename will be returned.

pyvista.ImageData or str

DataSet or filename depending on load.


Download the magnetic field dataset and generate streamlines from the field.

>>> import pyvista as pv
>>> from pyvista import examples
>>> grid = examples.download_coil_magnetic_field()
>>> seed = pv.Disc(inner=1, outer=5.2, r_res=3, c_res=12)
>>> strl = grid.streamlines_from_source(
...     seed,
...     vectors='B',
...     max_time=180,
...     initial_step_length=0.1,
...     integration_direction='both',
... )
>>> strl.plot(
...     cmap='plasma',
...     render_lines_as_tubes=True,
...     line_width=2,
...     lighting=False,
...     zoom=2,
... )

Plot the magnet field strength in the Z direction.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pyvista as pv
>>> from pyvista import examples
>>> grid = examples.download_coil_magnetic_field()
>>> # create coils
>>> coils = []
>>> for z in np.linspace(-8, 8, 16):
...     coils.append(
...         pv.Polygon((0, 0, z), radius=5, n_sides=100, fill=False)
...     )
>>> coils = pv.MultiBlock(coils)
>>> # plot the magnet field strength in the Z direction
>>> scalars = np.abs(grid['B'][:, 2])
>>> pl = pv.Plotter()
>>> _ = pl.add_mesh(
...     coils, render_lines_as_tubes=True, line_width=5, color='w'
... )
>>> vol = pl.add_volume(
...     grid,
...     scalars=scalars,
...     cmap='plasma',
...     show_scalar_bar=False,
...     log_scale=True,
...     opacity='sigmoid_2',
... )
>>> vol.prop.interpolation_type = 'linear'
>>> _ = pl.add_volume_clip_plane(
...     vol,
...     normal='-x',
...     normal_rotation=False,
...     interaction_event='always',
...     widget_color=pv.Color(opacity=0.0),
... )
>>> pl.enable_anti_aliasing()

See also

Coil Magnetic Field Dataset

See this dataset in the Dataset Gallery for more info.

Plot a Magnetic Field

More details on how to plot with this dataset.