

Download the lucy angel mesh.

Original downloaded from the The Stanford 3D Scanning Repository and decimated to approximately 100k triangle.

loadbool, default: True

Load the dataset after downloading it when True. Set this to False and only the filename will be returned.

pyvista.PolyData | str

DataSet or filename depending on load.


Plot the Lucy Angel dataset with custom lighting.

>>> from pyvista import examples
>>> import pyvista as pv
>>> dataset = examples.download_lucy()

Create a light at the “flame”.

>>> flame_light = pv.Light(
...     color=[0.886, 0.345, 0.133],
...     position=[550, 140, 950],
...     intensity=1.5,
...     positional=True,
...     cone_angle=90,
...     attenuation_values=(0.001, 0.005, 0),
... )

Create a scene light.

>>> scene_light = pv.Light(intensity=0.2)
>>> pl = pv.Plotter(lighting=None)
>>> _ = pl.add_mesh(dataset, smooth_shading=True)
>>> pl.add_light(flame_light)
>>> pl.add_light(scene_light)
>>> pl.background_color = 'k'

See also

Lucy Dataset

See this dataset in the Dataset Gallery for more info.

Jupyter Notebook Plotting

Example using this dataset.