
pointa=(0.4, 0.9),
pointb=(0.9, 0.9),

Apply a threshold on a mesh with a slider.

Add a mesh to the scene with a slider widget that is used to threshold the mesh interactively.

The threshold mesh is saved to the .threshold_meshes attribute on the plotter.

meshpyvista.DataSet or vtk.vtkAlgorithm

The input dataset to add to the scene and threshold or algorithm that produces said mesh.

scalarsstr, optional

The string name of the scalars on the mesh to threshold and display.

invertbool, default: False

Invert the threshold results. That is, cells that would have been in the output with this option off are excluded, while cells that would have been excluded from the output are included.

widget_colorColorLike, optional

Color of the widget. Either a string, RGB sequence, or hex color string. For example:

  • color='white'

  • color='w'

  • color=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]

  • color='#FFFFFF'

preferencestr, default: ‘cell’

When mesh.n_points == mesh.n_cells and setting scalars, this parameter sets how the scalars will be mapped to the mesh. Default 'cell', causes the scalars to be associated with the mesh cells. Can be either 'point' or 'cell'.

titlestr, optional

The string label of the slider widget.

pointasequence, default: (0.4, 0.9)

The relative coordinates of the left point of the slider on the display port.

pointbsequence, default: (0.9, 0.9)

The relative coordinates of the right point of the slider on the display port.

continuousbool, default: False

If this is enabled (default is False), use the continuous interval [minimum cell scalar, maximum cell scalar] to intersect the threshold bound, rather than the set of discrete scalar values from the vertices.

all_scalarsbool, default: False

If using scalars from point data, all points in a cell must satisfy the threshold when this value is True. When False, any point of the cell with a scalar value satisfying the threshold criterion will extract the cell. Has no effect when using cell data.

methodstr, default: ‘upper’

Set the threshold method for single-values, defining which threshold bounds to use. If the value is a range, this parameter will be ignored, extracting data between the two values. For single values, 'lower' will extract data lower than the value. 'upper' will extract data larger than the value.

**kwargsdict, optional

All additional keyword arguments are passed to add_mesh to control how the mesh is displayed.


VTK actor of the mesh.